Brain Rehabilitation
Functional Neurology is based on the understanding of how your body works and therefore your rehabilitation will be uniquely designed for you. Brain rehabilitation can include but is not limited to customized eye tracking programs, proprioceptive training, vestibular rehabilitation, sensory processing, hand-eye coordination and reaction time therapies.
Do I need functional rehabilitation for my brain?
The simple answer is your body will tell you. Our brain operates as a complex organ in which there is constant communication within the different brain regions and to the rest of the body through neurological relays. Consider symptoms caused by the brain as an alarm bell going off that their is a breakdown in these relays. When in doubt, a physical examination will reveal if you have deficits you should address.
Symptoms may include:
unsteady balance
poor coordination
ringing in the ears/tinnitus
sensitivity to light
sensitivity to sound
brain fog
difficulty concentrating
movement disorders
poor memory
post-concussive syndrome
Great question! At the click of a button that we can learn about diets, supplements, medications, treatment strategies, etc. However, it can be overwhelming to become inundated with so much information. Working with a knowledgeable practitioner can help you to get on the right track and avoid spending copious amounts of time and money on inventions that may not be helpful for your condition.​
I know I need to make changes, but how do I know what to do?
There are no shortages of health care providers to consult. What makes this clinic's approach unique?
How else can I support my brain during therapy?
During the initial examination, Dr. Afzal may uncover other health challenges that need to be addressed to optimize your brain's performance. These may include but are not limited to:
gut dysbiosis
environmental toxic exposures
heavy metal exposure
toxic mold exposure
infections (Lyme Disease, Co-infections, etc.)
There is no one-size-fits-all treatment when it comes to the brain. We are well known for our expert level comprehensive evaluation. We begin by objectively measuring your brain function for areas of weakness. In addition to a full neurological examination, we perform video-oculography to test a variety of brain relays. This captures oculomotor and vestibular function, as well as accuracy, reaction time, cognitive, and dual task assessments. Additionally, we evaluate your balance using a computerized force plate to assess your fall risk. This level of details allows us to piece together which deficits are contributing to your symptoms. From here, we can customize your rehabilitation for your specific needs.
© 2024 by Brain & Spine Wellness Center, PLLC.
(p) 615.463.0550
(f) 615.463.8474
2300 21st Ave S Ste 103 Nashville, TN 37212