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Trigger point dry needling involves the use of a small needle to penetrate a "trigger point" in an area of muscle that is tight and/or causing pain or decreased performance. The goal of dry needling is reduce tightness, pain, and improve flexibilty.
What conditions do we help?
Shoulder pain
Sports injuries
Rotator cuff injuries
Herniated Discs
Bulging Discs
Degenerative Disc Disease
Pinched Nerves
Peripheral Neuropathy
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Postpartum Care​
Neck pain
Lower back pain
Muscle pain
Migraine Headaches
Whiplash Injuries
Failed Back or Neck Surgery
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
© 2024 by Brain & Spine Wellness Center, PLLC.
(p) 615.463.0550
(f) 615.463.8474
2300 21st Ave S Ste 103 Nashville, TN 37212
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