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Manage your sciatica once and for all!

Katherine Afzal

Most who are polled think that Sciatica is a senior-only problem and are surprised to learn that Sciatica has been reported to occur in 1 to 10% of the population, most commonly in people age 25 to 45 years old!

Are you equally as surprised?

It turns out that prolonged sitting or lying on the buttocks, pelvic fractures, gunshot wounds, and other trauma to the buttocks or thighs are the most common cause of sciatica pain. Though, spinal stenosis (which occurs as people get older) can put pressure on both sides of the sciatic nerve and can result in sciatica on both sides of the body (known as bilateral sciatica).

What makes sciatica a surprising diagnosis is that most of those dealing with the pain cannot recall a specific trauma that caused the symptoms!

This is where functional neurology comes in.

After a comprehensive neurological examination, functional neurologists are able to determine which part of the nervous system is compressed, causing the sciatica symptoms. If there is sensory or motor loss, a Functional Neurologist can order an MRI to further evaluate what is taking place. From here, many different rehabilitation options may be recommended that range from chiropractic adjustments, nerve stimulation, class IV laser therapy to spinal decompression and balance rehabilitation.



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