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- Tips for your outdoor summer activities to prevent tick bites and the potentially dangerous infections they transmit
Spray your shoes, clothing, car, tent and surrounding campsite with tick repellent. Here is a DEET free option: Screen your body for ticks daily, do not forget your hair! Screen your pets for ticks daily. Bring a pair of tweezers. If bitten, use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin's surface as possible. Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Thoroughly clean the bite area with rubbing alcohol, iodine scrub, or soap and water. If bitten, save the tick and send it for testing to Igenex Lab. Take a photo of the tick with your phone and upload to for a free identification. Place all your clothing and shoes in the dryer for 30 minutes, then wash. Place your camping gear in a sealed bin if it’s stored indoors Be suspicious of fevers and sudden onset of fatigue, malaise, and migrating joint and muscle pain. Consult doctors who are experienced in Lyme Disease. If you have a concern that you or a loved one has a Lyme infection, you may set up a complimentary phone consultation to discuss your options Treatment Considerations An erythema migrans (bull's-eye) rash is a classic clinical manifestation associated with Lyme disease, but it is crucial to understand that this distinctive rash does not appear in all individuals who contract the infection. Numerous studies have attempted to quantify the prevalence of this rash among those infected with the Lyme disease-causing bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi. For instance, some research indicates that approximately 80% of infected individuals may develop this characteristic rash, which typically presents as a circular lesion with a central clearing, resembling a target or a bull's-eye. However, contrasting findings from other studies suggest that the occurrence of this rash may be significantly lower, with reports indicating that it appears in less than 20% of those infected. This discrepancy underscores the variability in the clinical presentation of Lyme disease and highlights the importance of not relying solely on the presence of a rash as a diagnostic criterion. It is imperative for healthcare providers and patients alike to recognize that the absence of an erythema migrans rash should not be misconstrued as definitive evidence that an individual is free from Lyme disease infection. The clinical spectrum of Lyme disease can be quite broad, and many patients may present with systemic symptoms such as fever, fatigue, or joint pain without the characteristic rash. Additionally, it is worth noting that ticks, the primary vectors for Lyme disease, can carry a variety of other pathogens that can lead to different infections, Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, and Ehrlichiosis to name a few. Therefore, when assessing a patient with potential tick exposure, it is crucial to consider the full range of possible infections and their implications for diagnosis and treatment. In summary, the relationship between erythema migrans and Lyme disease is complex, and a comprehensive approach to diagnosis and patient management is essential.
- Have you heard of Restless Leg Syndrome?
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) does not discriminate between men and women, and while it affects 1 million school aged children, 5 million American adults have moderate to severe RLS with twice as many women dealing with it than men. Symptoms continue longer and become more frequent with age, though it’s important to note that the onset of RLS does not necessarily indicate the presence of other neurological diseases. RLS can be traced to the basal ganglia, an area in the brain that governs involuntary movements. When there is dysfunction of the basal ganglia, it can cause tics, spasms, and tremors. In order for the basal ganglia to function properly, other areas of the brain must communicate appropriately with the basal ganglia. There are various reasons that result in miscommunication ranging from developmental delays in childhood, brain injuries and inflammation, to genetics and brain degeneration. Thankfully, Functional Neurologists are extensively trained to examine brain function through various objective tests that include reflexes, movement, balance captured on a force plate, and evaluating eye movements on oculography testing, which some call videonystagmography (VNG) testing.
- Manage your sciatica once and for all!
Most who are polled think that Sciatica is a senior-only problem and are surprised to learn that Sciatica has been reported to occur in 1 to 10% of the population, most commonly in people age 25 to 45 years old! Are you equally as surprised? It turns out that prolonged sitting or lying on the buttocks, pelvic fractures, gunshot wounds, and other trauma to the buttocks or thighs are the most common cause of sciatica pain. Though, spinal stenosis (which occurs as people get older) can put pressure on both sides of the sciatic nerve and can result in sciatica on both sides of the body (known as bilateral sciatica). What makes sciatica a surprising diagnosis is that most of those dealing with the pain cannot recall a specific trauma that caused the symptoms! This is where functional neurology comes in. After a comprehensive neurological examination, functional neurologists are able to determine which part of the nervous system is compressed, causing the sciatica symptoms. If there is sensory or motor loss, a Functional Neurologist can order an MRI to further evaluate what is taking place. From here, many different rehabilitation options may be recommended that range from chiropractic adjustments, nerve stimulation, class IV laser therapy to spinal decompression and balance rehabilitation.
- Alternative for migraines and headaches
With nearly 1 in 4 U.S. households being home to a migraine sufferer, the odds are that you know someone who is affected by this pain on a constant basis. Although migraines are the most common between the ages of 25 and 55, 18% of American women, 6% of men, and 10% of children experience migraines. Sadly, most of those who are suffering from headaches and migraines are accustomed to reaching for over-the-counter drugs over and over again, even though they may provide little to no relief. If you are (or know of someone who is) suffering from an endless cycle of popping pills to mask the symptoms, know that there is another solution that exists known as Functional Neurology. Functional Neurology is a drug-free approach to getting to the bottom of what’s really causing your pain. This is done via effective (and customizable) methodologies and therapies that have been designed to pinpoint specific areas of the brain that need help with improvement. Functional Neurologists are experts when it comes to this condition, and are even trained to look for inflammatory causes that can include environmental toxins, hormone imbalances, or infections. After identifying the cause of the cause of your migraine examining, we can formulate a comprehensive treatment plan to affect all the systems involved. This may include any combination of chiropractic care, neurological and vestibular rehabilitation, hyperbaric oxygen, and nutrient support.
- Options for memory loss
Do you remember what you had for lunch yesterday? If you’re having difficulty remembering, it could be a sign of memory loss, especially if you’ve been having trouble recalling other details lately, like people’s names. Memory impairment affects about 16 million people in the United States, which is about 40% of people aged 65 or older! Memory impairment develops into Alzheimer’s for about 15% of the 65 and older population every year in the United States but is lower in those who have been intellectually active than in those who have not. Studies also indicate that those who spend time reading and/or who have mentally stimulating jobs or educational experiences maintain their memories better and longer. These discoveries prove that mental stimulation (or exerting our brains in various ways intellectually) may not only improve memory performance but may stave off future cognitive decline as we age. IN A STUDY CONDUCTED BY DR. DALE BREDESEN AT UCLA, SIMPLE LIFESTYLE CHANGES WERE CORRELATED WITH PREVENTION AND EVEN REVERSED ONSET OF ALZHEIMER’S. THE LIFESTYLE CHANGES INCLUDED: REMOVING ALL SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATES (WHITE RICE, PASTA, BREAD, SUGAR, ETC.) FROM THE DIET ELIMINATING PROCESSED FOODS GLUTEN-FREE DIET EATING MORE PRODUCE AND WILD FISH DOING YOGA AND ACTIVITIES THAT REDUCE STRESS INCREASING SLEEP FROM 4-5 HOURS A NIGHT TO 7-8 SUPPLEMENTING WITH METHYL B12, VITAMIN D3, FISH OIL, COQ10, CURCUMIN, RESVERATROL, ASHWAGANDHA, AND COCONUT OIL EXERCISING A MINIMUM OF 30 MINUTES FOUR TO SIX TIMES A WEEK NO SNACKING FUNCTIONAL NEUROLOGY IS A GREAT COMPLIMENT FOR THOSE CONCERNED WITH MEMORY CHALLENGES. A FUNCTIONAL NEUROLOGIST WILL CUSTOMIZE NEUROLOGY EXERCISES FOR YOU TO IMPROVE OVERALL BRAIN FUNCTION.
- Is there a neurological connection for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has been recognized as one of the most common and best-studied disorders among the group of functional gastrointestinal disorders. It is a functional bowel disorder in which abdominal pain or discomfort is associated with defecation or a change in bowel habit. In the Western world, IBS appears to affect up to 20% of the population at any given time but in Asian countries, the median value of IBS prevalence defined by various criteria ranges between 6.5% and 10.1%, and community prevalence of 4% is found in North India. Those attending gastroenterology clinics represent only the tip of the iceberg. The disorder substantially impairs the quality of life, and the overall health-care costs are high. IBS has therefore gained increased attention from clinicians, researchers, and pharmaceutical industries. It is often frustrating to both patients and physicians as the disease is usually chronic in nature and difficult to treat. However, the understanding of IBS has been changing from time to time and still most of its concepts are unknown. In this review we have discussed, debated, and synthesized the evidence base, focusing on underlying mechanisms in the brain and bowel. We conclude that it is both brain and bowel mechanisms that are responsible. The clinical implication of such mechanisms is discussed. While there is no “one thing” that causes IBS, recent studies have shown that genes, inflammation, gut microbiota, psychosocial stress, and early learning may play an important role in the pathogenesis of IBS. it should also be noted that brain-gut interactions cannot be excluded from the pathophysiology of IBS, as brain imaging studies have clarified the roles of the anterior cingulate cortex, amygdala, insula and the brain stem in response to visceral stimulation. (these structures produce both visceral pain and negative emotions that are typical symptoms of IBS patients! RESOURCE: HTTPS://WWW.NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV/PMC/ARTICLES/PMC4692018/
- Is there hope for fibromyalgia?
More than five million people suffer from fibromyalgia in the United States, of which 80% are women. What’s even more alarming is that many of these people don’t know it yet as the condition is notoriously difficult to diagnose with some common symptoms including excessive sweating, heightened senses, digestive disorders, a lack of Vitamin D, joint pain, fatigue, problems with urinating, and sleep problems. As you can see, these symptoms can seem like symptoms of almost anything, which is why many conventional doctors tend to be dismissive about these symptoms. While no two fibromyalgia patients experience the same symptoms, it has been shown that patients will report psychological symptoms in addition to the physical ones such as pain and fatigue. Brain fog is a very common symptom of fibromyalgia, as are depression and anxiety. Brain fog leads to problems with memory, concentration, organizational skills, and other cognitive problems while depression and anxiety can seem like a vicious circle of bottomless pits. There are many medications that aim to hide to the symptoms of fibromyalgia, however more and more people are turning to holistic methods to treat their condition, one of which being our effective Functional Neurology therapies. Our state-of-the-art therapies have been developed in a way that allows for customization of each aspect starting with the area of the brain that it targets.
- What treatment should I do for back pain?
If you’re part of the 80% of Americans suffering with back pain, you need to realize that “toughing it out” and skipping a visit to your healthcare provider is a very dangerous game. Not seeking proper treatment for your pain can worsen the condition in terms of joint degeneration or chronic muscle spasm. If the pain is sensed by your nerves for long enough, the body will adapt to this ‘new normal’ and potentially lessen the pain sensation and adapt to a new, lower functioning level. Back pain can be a wide variety of problems, but it’s generally recommended to pay a Functional Neurologist a visit if your pain isn’t going away, shoots up the neck or down the leg, is accompanied by tingling or weakness, worse in certain positions, or is partnered with bowel and urination problems. Treatment for back pain may include chiropractic treatments to enhance the proprioceptive feedback into the nervous system; spinal decompression for disc bulges and herniations, and nerve stimulation to restore function. Back pain is no joke and we’re trained and ready to customize our effective therapies to get you back on your feet, pain free.
- Are there any alternatives to help with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? If so, you’re part of the 20% (and growing) of society that experiences the same prolonged tiredness and depression. If you haven’t been officially diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), but suffer from unrefreshing sleep, extreme fatigue (for seemingly no reason), brain fog, difficulty recalling events, difficulty focusing, or muscle pain and headaches, there’s a good chance you may be living with CFS. Whether you’ve come to terms with feeling this way all the time or are still begging for an answer that the conventional medicine approach has no answer to, you should know that there is certainly a solution out there, and Functional Neurologists are trained to find it for you. In fact, Functional Neurologists like to call this condition ME, short for Myalgic Encephalopathy. We use this term instead of “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” as we feel it disrespects the realness of the symptoms for each patient. Thus, ME is our common name. (Myalgic means muscle aches or pains and encephalomyelitis means inflammation of the brain and spinal cord). While no known cure for ME/CFS exists, Functional Neurologists are experts in addressing the underlying health imbalances through diet and lifestyle changes as well as customized supplementation and other therapies. These effective therapies can relieve symptoms, increase function, and allow the person to engage in daily activities again. Would you be open to feeling less tired without the use of side-effect laden pharmaceuticals (some of which make you MORE drowsy)?
- 20 million impacted in the US alone
Peripheral Neuropathy is something many have never heard of, yet it affects 20 million people in the United States alone! Peripheral nerves send sensory information from the hands and feet back to the brain and spinal cord. These nerves also carry signals from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles to generate movement, which means that any damage to the peripheral nervous system interferes with these vital connections. Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy can range from numbness or tingling, to pricking sensations (paresthesia), or muscle weakness. Entire areas of the body may become extra sensitive leading to an exaggerated or distorted experience of touch (known as allodynia). In such cases, pain may occur in response to stimulus that does not normally provoke pain. As a consequence of peripheral neuropathy, it is common that individuals also have poor balance and have higher fall risk. It is possible to improve nerve function! Neurological rehabilitation that include specific nerve stimulations and balance training can improve conduction of the nerves. Also, nutrient support may be indicated depending on the cause of the peripheral neuropathy.
- FREEDOM from Dystonia
Dystonia is a neurological condition in which motor disorders prevent sustained contraction of the muscles or muscle groups and/or repeated movements. It’s pretty scary to those diagnosed with it, as it can spread over only a part of the body to almost the whole body and often starts by affecting control of the neck, eyelids, arms and hands, face, and vocal chords. Not all dystonias begin as a genetic abnormality. There are other common causes including former muscle, tendon, and nerve injuries, other pathologies, and as the result of medications. There are strong indications that dystonia is related to disturbed activity and communication between nerve cells in the brainstem and the deep structures below the cerebral cortex. Research has shown that there are different structures in the nervous system are constantly involved in forms of dystonia. The best known are the so-called Basal Nuclei that are deep in the brain. Also (small) errors in the balance system, the cerebellum and the brain stem play an important role in the development and maintenance of dystonia. It is obvious to think that if the problem is in the nervous system, that treatment should be focused on that area. In any case, it will be important for balance, coordination, eye movements, gait and mapping autonomic functions. After all, these are features that provide insight into the affected areas (primitive brain, brainstem, balance system). Our office has been able to support many people with this condition and our treatment often include eye exercises and vestibular training, though other therapies can also be used and tailored to each unique patient.
- What is gastroparesis?
Were you aware that up to five million people in the United States have gastroparesis, yet many remain undiagnosed? For some, it’s too embarrassing to talk about with a doctor. For others, they simply can’t get a helpful diagnosis from their healthcare provider. Neither should be the case, as this condition can worsen over time and result in preventable surgery. Gastroparesis is a disorder in which the stomach takes too long to empty its contents. Normally, the stomach has regular contractions to move food down into the small intestine for digestion. Gastroparesis results from poor regulation from the vagus nerve that controls this movement. When the nervous system is compromised, the muscles of the stomach and intestines don’t work normally and food moves slowly or stops moving through the digestive tract. Symptoms include: heartburn, pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting of undigested food (sometimes several hours after a meal), feeling full after only a few bites of food, weight loss due to poor absorption of nutrients or low caloric intake, abdominal bloating, unstable blood glucose levels, lack of appetite, gastroesophageal reflux, and abdominal spasms. Our office has experience supporting people who are struggling with this condition so please consult with us so that we can devise a plan for you or a loved one.